Charged twice

We charge each subscription once per month, once per 3 months or once per 6 months.

If you notice multiple Pilot Assessment Prep payments in the same month, 3 months or 6 months, there are a few things to check.

Is the charge pending?

Check the status of the payments on your bank statement.

If the payment shows as pending or processing, this is a temporary authorization charge made by your payment provider.

If a regular payment fails, we try to take it again later. You may see both the failed payment and the payment that went through on your bank statement - only one has actually been taken.

Paying for multiple accounts?

You may have accidentally subscribed on a second account.

Try logging in with any details you might have used to create an account.

Note: There are a few ways to sign up, e.g. with email, Facebook or Google. Try logging in with these to find your account.

Also, check your family or friends haven’t used your payment info. If they have, they should cancel or change their payment method and reimburse you.

If you need more help, contact us.

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